Monthly Archives: April 2017

E-Verify, Revisited

April 27th, 2017 (No Comments)

The Pennsylvania Public Works Employment Verification – Act 127 of 2012 but better known as E-verify – has now been the law in Pennsylvania for more than four years, since January 1, 2013. E-verify requires that all public works contractors and subcontractors must utilize the federal government’s E-Verify system to ensure that all employees performing work on public works projects are authorized […]

Public Works Payment 101: Final Payment

April 11th, 2017 (No Comments)

Payment issues dominate the world of the public works contractor in Pennsylvania.  When must progress payments be made?  When can the government withhold payment? Is interest due on late payments? When is final payment due? How much retainage can be withheld and when must retainage be reduced and fully released? Generally, payment obligations on public works contracts are […]

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