List Of Exempt Steel Products Issued For 2022

On February 19, 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) issued the list of machinery and equipment steel products which are exempt for calendar year 2022 under the PA Steel Products Procurement Act. The list was published in Read more

Recent Commonwealth Court Decision Affirms Core Bidding Principles

A recent decision concerning a bid protest filed on a PennDOT contract re-affirmed core principles of public bidding and bid protests on Commonwealth contracts. In Sidelines Tree Service, LLC v. Department of Transportation, the Commonwealth Court considered an appeal from a Read more

PA Supreme Court Clarifies The Meaning Of "Cost" Under the PA Steel Products Procurement Act

The PA Steel Products Procurement Act was first enacted in 1978. At its core, the Act provides that any steel products used or supplied on a public works project in Pennsylvania must be U.S. steel products. Under the Act, a product Read more

Can A Public Owner Recover Legal Fees From A Bidder Who Loses A Challenge To A Bid Rejection?

Can a public entity include in its bid instructions the right to recover its legal fees from a bidder if the bidder's bid protest lawsuit is unsuccessful? In the course of providing advice recently to a client, I came across Read more

List Of Exempt Steel Products Issued For 2020

On June 27, 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) issued the list of machinery and equipment steel products which are exempt for calendar year 2020 under the PA Steel Products Procurement Act.  The list was published in Read more

U.S. Department Of Labor Issues Guidance On The FFCRA

As noted in an earlier post, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which becomes effective on April 1, 2020, provides for emergency paid family leave and emergency paid sick leave related to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19.  While the FFCRA applies to employers with fewer than 500 employees, employers with less than 50 employees may qualify for an exemption under soon to-be-issued regulations if the employer’s viability would be jeopardized.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has now issued specific guidance on the FFCRA provisions affecting employers and employees, including that the FFCRA leave provisions are not retroactive. The DOL has also prepared a Notice Poster which must be posted by an employer in a conspicuous place on its premises, or emailed or mailed to its employees, or posted on an employee information internal or external website.

In addition to the Notice Poster, the DOL guidance covers the following topics:

Thank you, and please stay safe in this difficult and stressful time.

If you need assistance on this important issue, call or email me.  I’ll be happy to assist in anyway possible.

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Governor Wolf’s Executive Order On COVID-19 And Force Majeure

On March 19, 2020, in response to the difficult, unprecedented, and constantly-evolving COVID-19 national health emergency, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf issued an Executive Order which has shut down the physical locations of all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania, including all construction projects, both public and private, except for emergency repairs and projects related to health facilities. The shut down Order was effective March 19, 2020, with enforcement to begin today, March 23, 2020, at 8:00 AM. The shut down Order is subject to a waiver process that might allow certain physical work sites to remain open. Public contractors seeking a waiver of the shut down of their contracting businesses and physical work sites can find information about the waiver process here. Until a waiver is granted, the physical work sites cannot re-open. In addition, various public contractor trade associations are seeking relief from Governor Wolf’s order so that critical public highway and other public infrastructure projects can continue unabated.

The current COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Wolf’s Executive Order seem to fit squarely into the classic definition of “force majeure,” which typically includes “action or inaction by a governmental authority to the extent not caused by Contractor, war, civil riots, floods, natural disasters, fire, orders of any court or public authority having jurisdiction to the extent not caused by Contractor,” and other similar “acts of God” or circumstances beyond either party’s reasonable control.

In addition, public contractors holding contracts with Commonwealth agencies and departments are in a unique position because the public entity stopping their work is the public entity with whom they are contracting. That means the public entity is acting both in police power role and in a contracting party role.

Because this is a complicated area of the law, it is recommended that all public contractors consult with experienced legal counsel to determine whether to invoke and provide notice of force majeure to their public owner counterparts.

If you need assistance on this important public contracting issue, call or email me.  I’ll be happy to assist in anyway possible.

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The COVID-19 Pandemic And The Families First Coronavirus Response Act

In response to the unprecedented COVID-19 national health emergency, Congress has passed and President Trump has signed legislation which applies to employers and employees affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These include employers and employees working in the public contracting field.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed into law on March 18, 2020, takes effect on April 2, 2020, and will remain effective through December 31, 2020. The FFCRA provides for emergency family leave and emergency sick leave benefits related to COVID-19. The FFRCA applies to employers with fewer than 500 employees. However, employers with less than 50 employees may be exempted by regulations of the US Department of Labor if the leave payments required under the FFCRA would jeopardize the employer’s viability.

My law firm Charlson Braber McCabe & Denmark has prepared a summary of the key provisions of the FFCRA. The summary can found be here.

Thank you and stay safe.

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Bidding Thresholds For Municipalities And State Authorities Increased For 2020

Effective January 1, 2020, the thresholds for public bidding by Pennsylvania state authorities and municipalities increased moderately from 2019 and are as follows:

  • Purchases and contracts below $11,300 require no formal bidding or written/telephonic quotations
  • Purchases and contracts between $11,300 and $21,000 require three written/telephonic quotations
  • Purchases and contracts of $21,000 and more ($28,300 for Metropolitan Transportation Authorities) require formal bidding

Bidding thresholds are adjusted annually for inflation by the Pa. Department of Labor & Industry under Act 90 of 2011. The Pa. Bulletin announcement announcing the 2019 bidding thresholds can be found here.

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Philadelphia Voters Approve Amendment To Charter Allowing Award Of Non-Competitive Contracts Of Less Than $100k To Local Businesses

At the last general election in November, Philadelphia voters approved an amendment of the City of Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to allow for the award of contracts to, or purchases from, Philadelphia-based businesses where the contract or purchase is for less than $100,000 (which is to be adjusted annually for inflation). This local business exception does not apply, however, to contracts “for the erection, remodeling or alteration of, or addition to, any building or structure.”

According to a City Council press release, the City Charter amendment favoring local businesses “would expand access to more small businesses – especially for minority- and woman-owned establishments – and incentivize diversity and competition.”

The voters also approved an amendment to the City Charter which will increase the competitive bidding threshold from $34,000 to $75,000 (to be adjusted annually for inflation) for the award of contracts to, or purchases from, businesses not based in Philadelphia.

These amendments will take effect in January 2020.

If you need assistance on a public contracting issue, call or email me for a no-cost consultation.  I’ll be happy to assist in anyway possible.

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